about us

Our story
X M Beauty was started in 2021 when I was just four months postpartum after having my beautiful daughter, Xena Marianne Butler, Hence where X M B came from!
I had just gone through a very painful seperation with a newborn and moved to a different state with my sister. Around 4 months postpartum, I went in to brush my hair and clumps of hair began to fall out. I was devastated. Every day after as I would comb my hair for the day more and more hair began to fall out. In the past, before motherhood I was one to always make up concotions in my kitchen, so that was my first thought to grow my hair back.
After trial and error, I created our now, best selling hair growth oil! It took me a long time to get the formula right, but all good things take time! After I accomplished that I decided to make a leave-in conditioner. I spent so much money on products at Walmart and Target, but nothing seemed to really get my hair right, and since I became a mom I wanted to take a more natural route. I began researching everything I could and then got to work. Oh, I failed time and time again chucking product into the wastebin after defeat, until one day I made some leave- in conditioner and it looked and felt right! I placed it in the bathroom for my sister to try it. I lied accross my bed after a long day and later that evening I heard my sister coming down the hallway saying " Tina, Did you make this leave-in?" I said "yes" and as she was putting it through her hair she said" this is the best stuff I have ever used!" of course I was ecstatic! I had finally did it.
I started giving it to my friends and family and I consistently got the same reactions. So I began selling my products and that is how X M Beauty was birthed.
If you're wondering about all the other handmade items well, this is the story! I was deep into postpartum and working nights, while also nursing my daughter. I felt like I was losing myself. I wanted something for me so I asked my sister if I could borrow her old sewing machine sitting in our attic. she said " sure, lets see how long this would last" well, three years later I am still going strong, and she still despise sewing with a passion. I learned how to sew through YouTube. It was so relaxing to me. When the machine didn't work I would go on YouTube and troubleshoot the problem and I got really good at it! The first thing I started out making where scrunchies, Boy, you should see the first one I've ever made! But I didn't give up! I practiced and practiced until now, I get people asking if my items are "actually" handmade!
I'm so excited for my business and I am so thankful to each and every person who has purchased from me or simply just supported my brand! I have lots of things planned and I cannot wait for you guys to experience it all! Thank you so much for being here!
xoxo, Tina

Example product title

Moisturizing leave-in conditioner
So light & creamy. Our leave-in conditoner is a natural detangler! Made with all natural products, this moisturizer is perfect for any hair types!

Hair growth oil
Made with nine pure single ingredient carrier oils. We do not have any herbs or essential oils in the old blend. Perfect for anyone with sensitive scalp.